
Victoria Rose May was born in 1992 in Alden, USA. Currently residing in Buffalo, New York, she is a multidisciplinary artist primarily working in painting and drawing. May is best known for her charcoal and gouache drawings that explore light and texture, focusing on colorful, symbolic still lives that often depict the interplay between man-made objects and the natural world.

May's artistic practice revolves around the incorporation of transparent textures juxtaposed with organic materials, aimed at studying and symbolizing human structure and cognition. Central to her works are terrariums, which she employs in various contexts to communicate themes of individuality within societal conformity.

Among her notable projects is "The Bubble Wrap Theory," a significant oil painting that stands six by four-feet on wood adorned with 286 terrariums against a pink backdrop. This piece symbolizes the repetitive nature of the forty-hour work week in Corporate America, utilizing the repetitive process of painting to mimic this exhausting routine. Each terrarium contains unique contents, serving as a poignant reminder of individuality amidst conformity culture.

Victoria Rose May's work has been featured prominently in exhibitions such as ORBSCURA at Main Street Gallery in Buffalo, New York, USA. Her art is celebrated for its thoughtful exploration of human themes through meticulous technique and innovative use of symbolism.